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Tor Story Podcast 019 – “Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure” by Richard Parks


Tor Story Podcast 019 – “Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure” by Richard Parks

Home / Tor Story Podcast 019 – “Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure” by Richard Parks
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Tor Story Podcast 019 – “Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure” by Richard Parks


Published on April 29, 2010


After the Apocalypse the Horsemen rode off in separate directions. We met up now and then over the centuries, stayed together for awhile as the mood took us, broke apart again. The last time we were together we had a grand old time. War turned his back for a moment, and Pestilence tried to give him a cold. War chopped Pestilence’s head off and kicked it like a soccer ball. It was a good kick. Three hundred yards across the blighted landscape, easily. By the time Pestilence’s headless body managed, scrabbling across the dust and debris, to feel its way to where the head had rolled, we were pretty sure he wouldn’t try that again. A pity, really. I hadn’t laughed so hard since the Apocalypse.

After that we separated again, which was why I happened to be alone, riding along on a manifestation of a horse that I’d named Patience, brooding as is my habit, and almost didn’t notice when I came across the impossible.

A pine seedling.

Sorry for the delay, folks, the producer was sick last week. So this week we bring you last week’s new story, “Four Horsemen, at Their Leisure,” by Richard Parks

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Theme music is “Clockworks” by Beatnik Turtle, used with permission. Visit for more of their music. Podcast copyright 2010, Story copyright Richard Parks. Art copyright Jon Foster. Produced and narrated by Mur Lafferty.

About the Author

Mur Lafferty


writer, podcaster
Learn More About Mur
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